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Video visit appointments

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Your heart beats more than 100,000 times a day and it’s vital to your well-being. Our team of specialists in Everett and Smokey Point are here to help you with any care and lifestyle changes you need to make your heart and blood vessels as healthy as can be.

We have some of the most advanced technology around, and some of the best board-certified cardiologists (heart specialists) in the area. Your heart is in good hands.

Add to that, your cardiologist can get up-to-date information on your tests and view your images on MyChart.

Visit us for:

  • Testing and evaluation to determine if you have heart disease 
  • Atrial fibrillation clinic (see below)
  • Education on keeping your heart healthy 
  • A wide range of heart care

What happens when you see us?

Your appointment will include:

  • An evaluation (we’ll ask you about your health history and the medicines you take)
  • Risk assessment (to determine your chances of heart attack and stroke)
  • If needed, diagnostic tests (tests to look for specific problems with your heart)

After testing, your cardiologist will develop a plan to care for you. It may include healthier eating and exercise, medicines, angioplasty (opening up a blocked artery) or surgery.

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Diagnostic tests for your heart

  • Atrial fibrillation is a problem with the speed or rhythm that your heart beats. It’s the most common type of arrythmia. It’s caused by the heart's electrical system not working properly. As many as 5 out of 100 people over age 65 (2.2 million Americans) have it.

  • Before the test

    You don’t need to stop eating or drinking before this test. But, if you’re having it at the same time as a stress echocardiogram, you’ll need to stop eating two hours before the test. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions.

    During the test

    We’ll place electrodes on your chest to check your heart rhythm. Then, we’ll use an ultrasound device to use sound waves to create images of your heart beating. The images can help your doctor determine how well your heart is working.

  • An electrocardiogram measures the electrical signal your heart makes each time it beats. It’s used to help look for problems and determine what kind of care you need.

  • A Holter monitor is a small device that you wear for 24 hours. In general, it’s used for people who may have problems with their heart rhythms (arrhythmia) one or more times a day. The test is painless.

    You’ll be able to go back to normal activities during the 24-hour testing period. If you have any problems with the Holter monitor, call our office right away. The doctor who referred you to us will get test results in about 24 hours.

    Before the test

    You don’t need to do anything to prepare for the test.

    During the test

    During a Holter monitor test, electrodes are attached to your chest. Then they are attached to a small monitor that will record your heart’s electrical activity over the next 24 hours.

    The monitor can be worn on your belt or over your shoulder on a strap that comes with it. The monitor records every heartbeat over the test period. 

    When the test is over, you’ll return the monitor to us. Everett Clinic technicians will study the results to learn if you have heart rhythm problems.

    To schedule a Holter monitor test, or if you are having problems with your monitor, please call 1-425-339-5411.

  • This is a test that creates pictures of how blood flows through your heart muscles. It helps your doctor see whether any of the blood vessels are narrowed or blocked. It can help your doctor determine whether you’ve had any heart attacks and how bad they were.

    It also helps your doctor determine your chances of future heart attacks and what kind of care you need.

    Before the test

    You may have to stop eating, drinking or smoking for a few hours before the test. Don’t eat or drink anything with caffeine for 24 hours before the test. Plan on wearing comfortable clothes and shoes.

    During the test

    Before the test begins, we’ll inject a small amount of radioactive material into one of your veins. A special camera that can see the material will take pictures of your heart.

    The test measures blood flow to the heart while it is at rest and also while your heart is working harder (due to exercise or medicine).

  • This is a test that uses ultrasound to check the health of your heart muscle.

    It may be done on a tread mill or may be done by injecting medicine. Your doctor will decide which is best for you.

    Before the test

    Ask your doctor how to prepare for your test. For example, should you keep taking your medicines? What type of clothing should you wear? Do you need to stop eating or drinking before the test?

    During the test

    We’ll place electrodes on different parts of your body to record your heart. We’ll also put a blood pressure cuff on your arm.

    Then, you’ll walk on a treadmill to make your heart beat faster. (If you can’t walk on a treadmill, we’ll give you medicine to raise your heart rate.) An ultrasound device will take pictures of the blood vessels that bring blood to your heart.

    Usually, the test lasts about 5-15 minutes. It will depend on your age and fitness level.

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  • No, but it can cause clots that lead to strokes. About 3 out of 20 people who have strokes have atrial fibrillation.

  • Our clinic is dedicated to caring for people with atrial fibrillation. It’s led by Erik Wissner, MD and Ricardo Cardona Guarache, MD, cardiac electrophysiologists who specializes in caring for heart rhythm problems.

    This clinic brings state-of-the-art care to people with atrial fibrillation. We also offer types of care that weren't offered before in the local community. Our goal is to help keep atrial fibrillation from causing problems so that you can return to your normal life.

    • Complete care designed for your unique needs
    • A team made up of different professionals who make sure you get the care you need
    • The most current medicines to care for atrial fibrillation
    • The latest blood thinners that don’t need any blood draws to check your blood
    • A full range of tests and imaging studies to help care for atrial fibrillation. It includes portable monitors, echocardiogram (an ultrasound picture of the heart), and cardiac MRI (a picture of the heart made with magnets and radio waves). 
    • State-of-the-art care that minimizes surgery. It includes radiofrequency catheter ablation (a way to destroy a small area of tissue in the body using radio waves) and cryoablation (a way to destroy tissue using extremely cold temperatures). Surgery is also used, when needed.
    • Devices to control your heart rate, when needed
  • Visit us any time after you’ve been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. We can help if you:

    • Have just learned you have atrial fibrillation
    • Have atrial fibrillation but aren't feeling well with the medicines you’re taking
    • Are looking for new types of care for atrial fibrillation
    • Would like a second opinion about your atrial fibrillation
  • You may only need one visit. Or, you may need to return for follow-up care. We’ll work with you to find a care plan that works for you and your primary care doctor. Care may include watching your symptoms, medicines, imaging studies or other types of care, as needed.

    Call for an appointment, 1-425-339-5411.


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