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The optical store at Optum - Smokey Point has moved to Optum - Arlington.


Our optometrists offer complete and routine eye exams and can prescribe glasses and contact lens. They can also help find and take care of common eye disorders, such as glaucoma (a type of eye disease) and diabetic eye disease.

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  • Our optometrists will help you find the right pair of contact lenses for your lifestyle. Contact lens exams should be scheduled every one to two years. Ask your eye doctor to find out the right schedule for you and your eyes.

    We offer many types of contact lenses, including:

    • Soft
    • Rigid
    • Disposable
    • Bifocal

    The cost of your contact lenses with depend on your eyes. If you're new to contact leases, you will have a fee for fitting as well as a training to learn how to put in and take out your contacts. Follow-up visits will be scheduled as needed at no extra cost.

    If you have worn contact lenses before, but you're getting a new type or brand of contact lens, your appointment fee will be between $114 to $174.* This fee includes any needed follow-up visits.

    If you have worn contact lenses before and have little or no change in your prescription, you're appointment fee will be around  $32.*

    If you have worn contact lenses before or you now wear them, please wear them to your appointment. Also, bring your contact lens boxes and prescription with you. Without seeing your contact lenses and how they fit you, we may need to refit you.

    Please contact us at 1-425-339-5435 to schedule an appointment with one of our providers.

    Once you have your contacts, contact the optometry office to order your contacts. We will mail them to you at no charge.

    *The fees listed above are estimates and may change depending on your eyes and prescription. Ask your vision insurance plan what eye care services they cover. 

  • Routine eye and vision exams are an important part of your overall health care. Many eye problems have no signs or symptoms.

    Some eye problems are serious and can lead to blindness without the proper care, including glaucoma (an eye disease), diabetic eye disease, and amblyopia (when the brain favors one eye over another) in children.

    During your eye exam, your eye doctor will offer early diagnosis and care for any vision problems. If you wear glasses or contact lenses, regular eye examinations are also important to make sure you have the right prescription. 

  • Our optometrists will help you find the right glasses for you. Ask your eye doctor to find out the right eye exam schedule for you and your eyes.

    Choosing the right glasses is too important to rush. Our opticians (professionals who help fit glasses) will help you find glasses you love in your price range.

    Our optical center offers quality eyewear for your entire family, including:

    • Frames at a price that works for you
    • Free cleaning and adjustments
    • Contact lenses
    • Computer glasses

    Our skilled opticians will make sure your glasses are a proper and comfortable fit.

    Our opticians, optometrists and ophthalmologists work together to make sure that all your eyewear meets your needs.

  • Medical eye exams are done as you need them and billed to your insurance. If your plan has a copay, you’ll be asked to pay it when you check in for your appointment. If you have questions about your insurance coverage, please contact your plan.

    Your medical vision exam can include a checkup when your eyes are dilated or when drops are put in the eye so the pupil (the part of the eye that lets light in) fully opens.

    A medical vision exam can also help you with the following eye problems:

    • Vision problems caused by diabetes
    • Cataracts (a clouding of the eye's natural lens due to aging)
    • Glaucoma (a type of eye disease that can affect vision)
    • Retinal disease (a problem with the retina or the inner part of the eye)
    • Corneal disease (a problem with the cornea or the front part of the eye)
    • Autoimmune disease (a problem when the body’s immune system fights against itself instead of helping it fight against sickness as it normally does)
    • Eye redness and tearing
    • Floaters (a problem common as one ages when small particles in the eye can affect vision quality)
    • Flashes of light and other vision disturbances
  • A routine eye exam should happen every 12 months. Routine eye exams are billed to your insurance. If we find your problem is not just vision, but medical in nature, the billing with your insurance will be changed.

    If you need to update your contact lens or glasses prescription, your routine eye exam will include refraction which is a test to find out what prescription you need from your lenses.

    A routine eye exam doesn't include tests for eye problems related to diabetes. 

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  • We have offices in Everett, Harbour Pointe, Shoreline and Arlington.

  • Get this price sheet to see current prices for eye care services. This includes eye exams, eyeglasses and contacts. 

    Get price sheet

  • We suggest checking with your insurance plan to find out if they cover eye exams. You'll have to pay for any copays, deductibles and noncovered services your insurance doesn't cover.

  • A complete eye exam may take from 30 to 45 minutes. 

  • You provider will check your vision and ocular (eye or vision) health. You'll be asked questions about any eye and visions problems you may have. Measurements will help us find out if you need any corrective wear to see better, such as contact lenses or glasses.

    Your eyes will be checked for things such as cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration (an eye disease when someone loses vision over time) or other problems.

    Eye drops may be used to dilate your pupils (open the part of your eye that lets light in), so we can see the inside of your eyes. Medication may be prescribed for eye problems. For some eye problems, we suggest that you see another provider for more care. 

  • If you have had a sudden loss of vision or change in vision in one or both of your eyes or if your eyes are red or painful, you should see a provider right away.

  • An eye exam will check your vision to see if you need glasses to help you see better. An eye exam will also look for any problems with the health of your eyes.

    Vision can change slowly over time. Even when you feel like you can see fine, your vision may have changed enough so that glasses will improve your vision.

    An eye exam will also check for any health problems in your eyes, including cataracts, glaucoma or any circulation (blood flow) problem in the back of the eye (the retina). Often when these problems are found there are no symptoms.

    The sooner these kinds of eye problems are found, the better for your overall health. 

  • No, there is no evidence to support that statement. At young ages, it's important to wear your glasses as much as possible so newly forming nerves for vision can grow properly.

    As you get older, wearing glasses more often helps lessen eye strain and possible headaches from seeing blurry.

  • Often, the reason we need glasses is due to genetics or a health problem we are born with and get from our family. One of the most important things you can do to help your vision is to take care of your overall health.

    It also helps to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from UV light. Eating healthy so you don't get diabetes also helps your eyes because diabetes can bring on eye problems.

    Make sure to have routine eye exams, including dilating your eyes so they can be closely looked at. Since your eyes will change over time, the best we can do is stay on top of the changes.

  • Your child should have his or her first eye exam done by a pediatrician sometime before age one. If you or your child's pediatrician decides that their eyes should be looked at closer, make an appointment with a pediatric vision specialist.

    After that, your child's eye exam should be before entering kindergarten or by age 5. Your child should have a complete eye exam at least every year or two.

    School screenings are helpful to find any serious vision problems early. Your child should still see an eye doctor if there are any symptoms or if they fail the school screening test.

  • Your doctor’s prescription is just one part of how well you see through your glasses. The quality of the lenses used and the fit of the frames can greatly influence your clarity of vision and comfort with your glasses.

    A skilled optician can help you choose the best materials for your budget and make sure your glasses are made properly.


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