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Video visit appointments

To schedule a behavioral health video visit or to talk about your care, call our office at 1-425-339-5453.

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Many people have mental health concerns at some point in their lives. But if this affects your overall quality of life, it’s good to get help. Our behavioral health experts will work with you to uncover the source of your concern and help you feel better.

We’ve made some changes to how we handle referrals and insurance:

  • Right now, we're only accepting new behavioral health patients with referrals from Everett Clinic and Polyclinic primary care, ob/gyn and pulmonary (lung care) providers.
  • Behavioral health is closed to new patients with Original Medicare, Medicaid and Tricare. 

If you are thinking about harming yourself or someone else, call 911.

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  • First, you’ll meet with one of our providers who will help create a care plan just for you. Our goal is to give you help with troubling symptoms as quickly as possible. We build on the strength and coping resources of each person and family member.

    We believe that many problems can be resolved by short-term, results-oriented counseling. We also offer many skill-building workshops and emotionally supportive groups.

    We offer a full range of services, including counseling and care for:

    • ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) 
    • Anger management
    • Anxiety (worrying more than normal)
    • Child behavior and school problems
    • Depression (feeling overwhelmed or sad over a long period of time) 
    • Grief and loss
    • Health issues
    • Life transitions
    • Low self-esteem
    • Marriage and family concerns
    • Stress and insomnia
    • Work problems

    We also work closely with our psychiatry team to help with your medications.

  • It’s normal for children to have challenges. But normal problems can turn into ongoing struggles that affect every part of your child's life. We offer both short- and long-term care to help your child overcome these challenges. 

    Signs that your child needs professional support:

    • Won’t go to school
    • Getting into trouble at school
    • Disorganized or does poorly at school
    • Being teased or bullied
    • Trouble making or keeping friends
    • Overly angry
    • Won’t follow rules or ignores you
    • Grouchy or withdrawn from family and friends

    Parents are welcome to join their children in treatment sessions.

  • We offer group therapy classes in person and virtually. Call 1-425-339-5453 for details. 




Support groups and workshops

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  • AbleTo is a virtual counseling and coaching app created by mental health experts. It's affordable and easy to use. Best of all, it works. 

    Are you looking for ways to feel better and live life more fully? AbleTo offers insights and therapy, when and where it's right for you:

    • Programs last eight weeks. All offer private, personalized guidance from the comfort of your home. 
    • Licensed behavioral health specialists and coaches are experts in helping people handle stress, worry, sadness and other concerns.
    • All care is based on leading research and care standards, helping you reach your goals and feel better.

    To learn more or to schedule an appointment, visit AbleTo.

  • This group helps people who have bipolar disorder. Members can connect with others and learn valuable self-care skills.

    Most health plans pay for part of the costs. Talk to your health plan to find out what it pays for. 

    To find out if this group is a good fit for you, call 1-425-339-5453, TTY 771.

  • If you have problems falling asleep or staying asleep, our clinical psychologists and licensed social workers can help.

    Instead of sleep medications, we use a proven treatment called cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I). 

    CBT-I focuses us on:

    • Looking at thoughts, feelings and behaviors that may keep you from sleeping
    • Offering insights that will help you get restful sleep 
    • Getting results that last long after you've completed your care with us 

    Treatment usually takes eight to 10 weekly sessions. Talk to your health plan to see if your plan covers CBT-I. 

    Most health plans pay for part of the costs. Talk to your health plan to find out what it pays for. 

    You may need a referral from a sleep medicine specialist or a pulmonologist (lung doctor). To learn more, call 1-425-339-5453, TTY 771.

  • This workshop is for young adults. They will learn how to worry less, feel more comfortable in their own bodies and how to cope with stress.

    This workshop is for teens who:

    • Worry a lot
    • Have headaches 
    • Feel like they need to be perfect
    • Have anxiety while around others
    • Have panic attacks 

    If this sounds like you or your teen, join us for four online classes. You can come just to listen and learn. You don't have to talk. 

    Most health plans pay for part of the costs. Talk to your health plan to find out what it pays for. 

    To find out if this group is a good fit for you, call 1-425-339-5453, TTY 771.

  • This group is for patients ages 55 and older. It focuses on finding ways to improve your mood when you’re going through difficult times.

    Topics include:

    • Getting through life transitions and changes
    • Living with uncertainty, sadness or loss
    • Building a healthy support system
    • Understanding how sleep, exercise and eating affect your mood
    • Dealing with negative or unhealthy thoughts

    Most health plans pay for part of the costs, including Medicare. Talk to your health plan to find out what it pays for. 

    To register, call 1-425-339-5453, TTY 771. Or ask your health care provider if this group is a good fit for you.

  • Does your teen have emotions that are hard to control? This group for young adults and their caregivers may help.

    Are you upset about things that can't seem to be settled? Do you try to harm yourself, which causes one crisis after another? 

    Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) skills training may help.

    DBT for teens and their caregivers is a support group. It helps teens learn and use skills to handle their moods and complex emotions. 

    The group also teaches parents and caregivers how to support teens when they have problems. 

    Most health plans pay for part of the costs. Talk to your health plan to find out what it pays for. 

    To find out if this group is a good fit for you, call 1-425-339-5453, TTY 771.

  • Do you have emotions that overwhelm you or are hard to control? Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) skills may help.

    When you’re upset, do you act in ways that get you in trouble? Are your relationships unstable? Do you often think about hurting yourself? 

    DBT was created to care for borderline personality disorder. It's also used to care for several other problems. DBT skills help people live happier, healthier lives. 

    Most health plans pay for part of the costs. Talk to your health plan to find out what it pays for. 

    To find out if this group is a good fit for you, call 1-425-339-5453, TTY 771.

  • This group addresses how the challenges of losing weight and keeping it off affect your mental well-being.

    Topics include: 

    • What keeps you from reaching your weight-loss goals 
    • How unhealthy thinking is related to eating and weight loss
    • Ways to lower stress, including mindfulness 
    • Your relationship with food and exercise 
    • How to build healthy routines  
    • Techniques to help you reach and keep up with your goals

    This group is open to people who are already patients with us. Most health plans pay for part of the costs. Talk to your health plan to find out what it pays for. 

    To find out if this group is a good fit for you, call 1-425-339-5453, TTY 711. Space is limited.

  • This group is for expecting mothers. They will get tools to help with stress, depression, anxiety and self-care.

    This online group is for all expecting moms — new and experienced. 

    Members meet once a week to share tips on handling stress, depression, anxiety, taking care of themselves and getting help from others. 

    Most health plans pay for part of the costs. Talk to your health plan to find out what it pays for. 

    To find out if this group is a good fit for you, call 1-425-339-5453, TTY 771.

  • This group teaches teens how to better handle anger, anxiety and depression. They also learn how to settle conflicts.

    For teens ages 13 to 19, this group focuses on anxiety, depression and peers. 

    Most health plans pay for part of the costs. Talk to your health plan to find out what it pays for. 

    To find out if this group is a good fit for you, call 1-425-339-5453, TTY 771.


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